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What are the mandatory subjects in Edexcel IGCSE?
author Admin

What are the mandatory subjects in Edexcel IGCSE?


GCSEs are available in a huge range of subjects including English language and Literature, Mathematics, Economics, Geography, History, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. You can also choose to study a number of non-English languages such as Arabic, Chinese, French, Spanish, Japanese, Greek and Urdu. However, GCSEs in English (Language and Literature), Mathematics and Science (Individual or Combined) are compulsory for all students.


Science can either taken separately as Chemistry, Biology, and Physics or students can study it as two combined Science GCSE’s. In hindsight, the Board itself does not make the subjects mandatory as they cannot force you to write exams for said specific subjects. Thus, schools individually make it mandatory to study English and Math, since it is a basic requirement for the admission process for universities and colleges. 


Whilst studying the mandatory subjects in Edexcel IGCSE, students are given the choice of choosing the rest of their subjects-this can be from areas such as Arts, Humanities, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and Sports. The minimum requirement for the number of subjects one student can choose is 5 and go up to 9-12 on their own accord.

