How To Use Past Papers Effectively?
Check out command words carefully to understand what the question is asked.
Use past papers to make sure that you are managing your time well. Set yourself a time frame to complete each question
Go through past paper answers with a different colour pen to highlight any marks you lose or mistakes you make
Test yourself. Find out if your revision has been effective by using past papers or ask someone to test you
If your notes are all bullet points, past papers might be the first chance you have to write in clear and linked sentences
Repeat your testing – it is important you test yourself more than once. Try it ten minutes after revising a topic, one day after, then a week later
Command words and their definitions
- Describe: say what you see - no need for reasons
- Explain: give reasons
- Outline: give a brief summary
- Analyse: go into detail
- Compare: what are the similarities and differences?
- Contrast: what are the differences?
- Calculate: use numbers given to work out the value of something
- Define: give the meaning of something
- Evaluate: consider both sides - pros and cons
- Justify: give evidence to explain something
- To what extent: Judge the importance or success of something - has it worked or not
- Argue: present a case with evidence or reasons
- Assess: Weigh up / give an informed judgement
- Comment on: give your opinion on something
- Debate: give different perspectives