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How to Tackle Multiple Choice Questions
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How to Tackle Multiple Choice Questions
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Cambridge A-Level Economics 9708

Cambridge A-Level Economics 9708


Yearly Past Papers     Topical Past Papers      Topical eBooks




Cambridge International AS & A Level Economics provides learners with the skills needed to use economics in work or further study, including how to explain and analyse economic issues and arguments, evaluate economic information, and organise, present and communicate ideas and judgements clearly.



Candidates following an AS Level route are eligible for grades a–e. Candidates following an A Level route are eligible for grades A*–E.




Paper 1 – AS Level Multiple Choice

- Multiple choice paper, 1 hour, 30 marks

- Candidates answer all 30 questions and indicate their answers on the answer sheet provided.

- The questions are based on the AS Level subject content.

- Paper 1 assesses AO1 Knowledge and understanding, AO2 Analysis and AO3 Evaluation.


Paper 2 – AS Level Data Response and Essays

- Written paper, 2 hours, 60 marks

- This paper contains three sections.

- Section A has one compulsory data response question (20 marks).

- Section B has two questions focusing mainly on microeconomics (20 marks each); candidates answer one question.

- Section C has two questions focusing mainly on macroeconomics (20 marks each); candidates answer one question.

- Section A includes source material containing data in written, numerical and/or diagrammatic form.

- Candidates should answer the question using relevant and appropriate information from the source material to support their answer. Section A has approximately six parts. Answers to part questions should show evidence of evaluation (AO3), where appropriate.

- Section B and C questions have two parts. Answers should show evidence of evaluation (AO3). Candidates should familiarise themselves with the assessment criteria in the levels-based mark scheme.

- The questions are based on the AS Level subject content. Candidates are encouraged to use clearly labelled diagrams to illustrate their answers where appropriate.

- Paper 2 assesses AO1 Knowledge and understanding, AO2 Analysis and AO3 Evaluation.


Paper 3 – A Level Multiple Choice

- Multiple choice paper, 1 hour 15 minutes, 30 marks

- Candidates answer all 30 questions and indicate their answers on the answer sheet provided.

- The questions are based on the A Level subject content. The content of the AS Level is assumed knowledge for the assessment of Paper 3. The AS Level content will not be the direct focus of questions on Paper 3.

- Paper 3 assesses AO1 Knowledge and understanding, AO2 Analysis and AO3 Evaluation.


Paper 4 – A Level Data Response and Essays

- Written paper, 2 hours, 60 marks

- This paper contains three sections.

- Section A has one compulsory data response question (20 marks).

- Section B has two questions focusing mainly on microeconomics (20 marks each); candidates answer one question.

- Section C has two questions focusing mainly on macroeconomics (20 marks each); candidates answer one question.

- Section A includes source material containing data in written, numerical and/or diagrammatic form. Candidates should answer the question using relevant and appropriate information from the source material to support their answer. Section A has four parts. Answers to part questions should show evidence of evaluation (AO3), where appropriate.

- Section B and C questions are not divided into parts. Answers should show evidence of evaluation (AO3). Candidates should familiarise themselves with the assessment criteria in the levels-based mark scheme for Sections B and C.

- The questions are based on the A Level subject content. The content of the AS Level is assumed knowledge for the assessment of Paper 4. The AS Level content will not be the direct focus of questions on Paper 4. Candidates are encouraged to use clearly labelled diagrams to illustrate their answers, where appropriate.

- Paper 4 assesses AO1 Knowledge and understanding, AO2 Analysis and AO3 Evaluation.



  • Basic economic ideas and resource allocation
  • The price system and the microeconomy
  • Government microeconomic intervention
  • The macroeconomy
  • Government macroeconomic intervention
  • International economic issues